Sunday, February 22, 2009

Surprises, Fireproofing, and a New Couch

This has been a nice and relaxing weekend. Yesterday, I spent the morning cleaning house, doing laundry, and grading some papers. Nothing too exciting. Meanwhile, Gary and his two friends helped with the trail cleanup at Lake Fayetteville. He was pretty sore today, but I think they enjoyed themselves.
On Friday afternoon after work, I was taking nap. I love naps. I would take one everyday if I could. I've always thought the world would be a better place if jobs let people have nap time, just like in kindergarten. Think about what a better world this would be! Okay, back to the story. My lovely husband walked in and woke me up (I was not thrilled; I don't enjoy having my naps interrupted). However, this was worth it. He had a surprise for me: A NEW BLACKBERRY! I have been begging and pleading for one of these because the phone I had was much like a jitterbug (this is a phone for elderly people if you haven't seen the commercials). It wasn't time for me to upgrade at Alltel so I thought all hope was lost, but my sneaky little husband found a slightly used one on Craig's List. By the way, this website is where we found our chihuahua, Tina, for FREE. Can anyone imagine why someone would want to give this sweet little creature away for free?!?!! They even gave us her kennel, food, and collar. They practically paid us to take her. I have no idea why! :)
A couple weeks ago, Gary's sister moved into a new apartment. She's been needing a couch and we told her she could buy ours. It took her about a week to decide, but she called today and said she wanted to buy it. So I hopped in the shower and Gary and I were off to the furniture stores. I was sooooo indecisive, but we finally decided on another sectional (even though we said we didn't want another one)! Here's a picture of it!

After our couch purchase, we decided to go rent a couple movies since Desperate isn't on tonight. Gary mentioned renting Fireproof and I had been wanting to rent Changeling with Angenlina Jolie and Hastings had both!!! We watched Fireproof this afternoon, and I was really skeptical at first. It seemed really cheesy, but by the end I was boo hooing. It was a really great movie with a great message. I highly recommend it! :)


Kari Beth said...

love the couch! can't wait to see in person!!! and it doesn't really look like a sectional :)

Jennifer said...

I got a Blackberry yesterday too! It was kind of overwhelming at first, but I'm getting used to it.

I loved Fireproof!

The Krile Daily News said...

I got a blackberry a few weeks ago...thought I would never learn to use it. I only know basic things right now, but I think that the problem is user related instead of the device. Cute couch..maybe one day I will see it??

Unknown said...

Of course you will see it! Call me next time you're in town. We miss you! :)