Sunday, April 26, 2009


We've had a rollercoaster of a week. On Wednesday, I had just gotten out of a faculty meeting and had five missed calls from my mom, dad, and cousin. Not a good sign. I quickly called my Dad back and he informed me that my Grandpa had a stroke and they were in the emergency room. SCARY! I rushed to the ER to find my cute little Grandpa so scared, confused, and not making any sense. He couldn't move his left arm and his speech was slurred. It. Was. Terrible. None of us knew why he had a stroke, and the next few days were a big waiting game. It turns out, he had gotten a bacterial infection in his heart valve and a piece of the valve broke off and caused him to have the stroke. Thankfully, he has gotten his speech back and can move his arm now. GOD IS GOOD! He's almost back to normal except he still can't move his left hand very well. Next week, we should find out how much damage has been done to his heart valve. I'm very thankful that he has recovered as much as he has, and I hope that there hasn't been too much damage done to his heart. Please keep us in your prayers.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Fab Find, Rainbows, & Bathroom Makeover!

Well most of these things have happened before my last post, but I'm just now discussing them. First of all, we painted our guest bathroom turquoise a couple weeks ago. I really like it. It's much better than the drab green I had. Here's the new bathroom!

A couple weeks ago, I stopped at a store called Monday's Child that was going out of business.It has children's clothes and decorations. I was actually looking for a gift for a friend who is expecting and I ended up buying something for myself. Selfish much? I think so! Anywho, I found this really cute frame. I have seen frames like this for $150, but I got this one for $10!!! I was so proud of myself for finding such a good deal! I know it may be a little bit juvenile, but I love it! Any thoughts??

Last, but not least, there was a gorgeous rainbow out on Friday night. B-E-A-Utiful!

Tomorrow we are taking all of the 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders to an Arkansas Naturals Game. It's going to be so fun, but I'll probably be exhuasted at the end of the day. Pray for me!!!!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Weekend

What a busy weekend! It flew by and I think I was more exhausted at the end of this weekend than I was at the end of the work week!!! Even though I was extremely busy, we still had a great time.
Right when I got off work on Friday, I met Gary's sisters, nieces, and Mom at Different Strokes. I painted a doggie bowl for Tina....not sure how it will turn out, but we'll see. For some reason, I had the hardest time deciding what I wanted to paint and how I would paint it. Talk about STRESS!!!
I get to pick it up on Wednesday!!! After painting pottery, we went to eat at Mama Dean's. It's a tiny soul food restaurant deep in Fayetteville. It was DELICIOUS! I think I gained about 10 pounds that night.

On Saturday, we went to our niece's (Mackenzie) soccer game. It was so cute. I think it's hilarious when those coaches get so worked up over an eight year old's soccer game. There was the cutest little goalie named Debbie. She was eight years old and was working so hard. It was precious. She loved when we cheered for her. Gary also had the idea to bring Tina to the game. I was completely against the idea (if you know Tina, then you know why), but I finally gave in. She was actually really good. She just sat on my lap and sun bathed for most of the game.

After the soccer game, we had a crawfish boil. I'm not a big crawfish fan, but Gary and his family love them, so I went along with it. Our neice, Avery, loved playing with the crawfish before we cooked them. They are still alive right up until you boil them. At one point, Avery took one out of the ice chest and told it, "You've been a bad boy! I'm going to eat you!" It was hysterical. Here's a few pics of her taunting these poor creatures.

While the crawfish were having their date with death, I brought the girls in for a fun little cooking project. I saw this commercial on t.v., and it looked like a good idea. It was very fun, but extremely messy. We made rice crispy treats and formed them into egg shapes and then dipped them in melted chocolate. When the chocolate dried, the girls decorated them with icing. Avery preferred to suck the icing out of her dispenser and then decorate them. It was too funny.

Here's a few more pics of some of our delicous sugary treats from Easter.

Finally, on Easter Sunday, we went to church with my parents and Gary's parents at a new church we've been attending. We are so happy we've found this church. It just feels right. Overall, it was a great Easter weekend. We are truly blessed. Thank you Jesus for dying on the cross for our sins! I hope everyone had a very Hoppy Easter!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Free at Last!

Finally, I have finished my ESL project! FINALLY!!!!!!! You may be asking yourself, "What in the world is ESL?" Well, it stands for English as a Second Language, and I took a 2 week long course over the summer that ended up counting as 12 graduate school hours! I went Monday through Sunday from 8 in the morning until 8 at night for two weeks! It was hellacious (not sure if that's a real word), but I learned a lot. After that, we had to complete a humongous project in order to get the college credit. Can I just tell you what a pain that thing was? It ended up being about 60 pages long and I have been working on it about every weekend for the past few months. YUCK! But, I'm finally done! Praise the Lord!
Okay, so right now I'm watching Slumdog Millionaire for the first time. It's sooooo good, but it's really sad. It makes me want to fly to India and adopt a cute little kiddo from there. Every kid in this movie is adorable!!!
One last thing: I have to say congratulations to my friend Kari Beth for running her first 5K! You rock! I hope to be able to run for more than a mile someday! :)
Hope everyone has a wonderful week!