Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Jamaican me Thankful!

Well, we made it back safely from our trip to Jamaica! It was soooooooo much fun! It made me realize how blessed I am to have such wonderful friends, a wonderful husband, and the opportunity to go somewhere like that. Who knows when we'll be able to do something like that again....hopefully next year!!! Here's some pics from our super fun trip!

This was our view from where we did the zip line. Can you say B-E-A-UTIFUL?!?

Here's me and my bestest friend Kari all geared up for zip lining!

Our husbands in the ocean on the first day.

Kari and Aaron relaxing at the beach bar!


1 comment:

The Krile Daily News said...

You look so good and TAN!! Glad you had a great trip.