Saturday, November 1, 2008

Candy, Kiddos, and Craziness!

Well, yesterday was Halloween, and school was CRAZY, but fun. All the teachers and kiddos got to dress up and our third grade team dressed as pirates. It was a lot of fun, but I was so ready to get that costume off by the end of the day! Our class had a Halloween party at the end of the day, which my homeroom mom was responsible for. I wasn't really sure what to expect and I always feel a little uneasy about letting someone else take charge in my classroom, BUT I was not disappointed. I could not believe all of the food, games, and party favors this mom and dad put together for our room. They went way above and beyond and the kids loved it. I will never be able to thank them enough, and I can't wait to see what our Christmas and Valentines parties will be like. It was so much fun, and so well planned! Here are some pictures from yesterday.
Me with my 3rd grade team..I LOVE them!


Look who I ran into! SNOW WHITE!!!

After the Halloween party, I went to my parents house with Tina to hand out candy to the trick or treaters. We ended up having to leave Tina inside while my mom and I sat out on the front porch handing out candy. I've come to the conclusion that Tina is just not user friendly. I love her to death, but I'm probably crazy for doing so. Okay, so back to the trick or treaters. Let me just say that there were some major freaks out last night. I don't know why older people think it's okay for them to trick or treat, but it is NOT! I shorted them on candy on several occasions. I mean there were a couple people in their late 2o's, maybe early 3o's trick or treating. FREAKS! Don't these people have anything better to do with people their own age? I mean that's just creepy. Okay, sorry about that. Well, my next post should have some hillarious pictures because we are going to Max and Leslie's White Trash Halloween Bash tonight! I can't wait! :)

1 comment:

Kari Beth said...

I CANNOT WAIT for tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!! We picked up Aaron a mini jean skirt at Rave today! He is going to look discusting :)